3月31日为爱阅读-Bear and Kangaroo

英语读本:《Bear and Kangaroo》



小朋友们! 你们有什么擅长的事物吗? 会不会和朋友一起比赛呢? 你们都比什么呢? 跳跳绳? 跑步? 还是看谁吃的比较多呢? 在比赛之余, 切记不要忘记, 尽力就好, 自己永远是最棒的喔! 

Dear kids! What are you good at? Jump rope, running, or who can eats more? It is good to have competition with others, but don’t forget not to push yourself too hard, try your best, and trust you are the best!

Tomorrow, on 3/31, 5:00 pm, don’t forget to get online to listen to the story. 是的! 明天 3/31, 下午5:00请记得上线收听,TK英语在线说故事,第四十二集-Bear and Kangaroo 熊与袋鼠来比赛! TK English cares your health, reading for love.


After the story, let’s think about these questions. 听完故事后,我们来思考一下这些问题:

1. Who can catch the fish more, bear or kangaroo? (谁可以钓更多的鱼? 熊还是袋鼠)

2. How many balls can bear juggle? (熊可以抛几颗球?)

3. What are you good at? (你擅长什么呢?)

