2月5日为爱阅读-素材包-Five Seconds to Blastoff!

2月5日为爱阅读-素材包:《Five Seconds to Blastoff!》



The universe is always so desirable. Do you dream of becoming an astronaut? Take your gear, put on your space suit, and get on the rocket. Today, you are the most watched hero! Five Seconds to Blastoff! Let's count five, four, three, two, one. What would happen to the rocket? Let’s find it out! Tomorrow, on 2/5, 5:00 pm, don’t forget to get online to listen to the story. 是的,2/5下午5:00,请记得上线收听,TK英语在线说故事,第三集,火箭历险记,Five Seconds to Blastoff。TK English cares your health, reading for love.


After the story, let’s think about these questions,听完故事后,我们来思考一下这些问题:

1. What do astronauts take to the space? (请问太空人们搭乘什么上太空呢?)

2. Why won’t the astronaut be going to space today? (为什么今天航天员们上不了太空了呢?)

3. Please check every page. Who is telling the whole story? (仔细看看每一页,你觉得这个故事是谁在讲的呢?)

