2月24日为爱阅读-素材包-A Sweet Tale

英语读本:《A Sweet Tale》



BeaverTails, it’s a very famous dessert in Canada. Flatten the dough to make it look like a beaver's tail. Deep-fried, soft and crispy, coated with maple syrup or chocolate sauce, sprinkled with biscuits and candy pieces, and put some fresh fruits! Full of whipped cream, bite it, yum, it's so delicious. Let's see how the Beaver family “accidentally” made this famous dessert! Next Monday, on 2/24, 5:00 pm, don’t forget to get online to listen to the story. 是的,下周一,2/24下午5:00,请记得上线收听,TK英语在线说故事,第十六集,一道甜品的故事,A Sweet Tale。TK English cares your health, reading for love, sweet in your heart.


After the story, let’s think about these questions.听完故事后,我们来思考一下这些问题:
1. What ingredients do we need to mix dough? (请问要和出面团需要甚么材料呢?)
2. Are the BeaverTails “real” beavers’ tails? What are the BeaverTails? (请问文中海狸尾巴是”真的”海狸的尾巴吗?那这个海狸尾巴是什么呢?)
3. If you had BeaverTails for dessert, what would you like to add on the top? (如果你有海狸尾巴甜点,你会想加什么上去呢?

